By choosing a Grand Angle trip, you've chosen a trip with a low carbon footprint, in terms of its destination (France or Europe, with some exceptions) and its activity (hike, bike...), and designed in a responsible and sustainable way.
Grand Angle is now making its commitments official, which were present at the very origin of its creation:
- By being an active member of the ATR Association "Agir pour un Tourisme Responsable", whose compliance with the label has been certified by Ecocert Environnement.
- By being certified under the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism, created and developed by Europarc, the Federation of European Protected Areas, which brings together Regional Nature Parks, National Parks and nature reserves.
A few easy ways to enjoy your trip and help the planet at the same time:
- Respect and follow the Traveler's Code of Ethics
- Look out for Grand Angle tours that pass through the protected areas of Europarc members.
- Are you driving to the meeting point? Offer a ride to other participants when you make your reservation, or else car-share, for example companies like BlablaCar. And on the way back, now that you've got to know each other, check if any of the others would be interested in driving with you.
- Same thing in reverse, if you don't want to drive!